Tag Archives: Mold remediation

New Mold Laws in New Hampshire

The state of New Hampshire joins the few US states with mold regulations, states which require mold inspectors and mold remediators to be licensed. Also, laws that protect home owners and other consumers from conflicts of interest and protect you from people that do not know what they are doing inspecting and testing for mold and remediating mold.

Way to go New Hampshire! The new mold laws go into effect on January 1st, 2016. If you want to read more, you can read the new regulations here: New Hampshire State Legislation, SB0125.pdf

Are Mold Remediation Companies Scamming Homeowners?

Yesterday, Jeff Rossen on Rossen Reports Today, aired an expose about mold remediation contractors scamming homeowners. 5 out of 8 Mold Remediation Contractors they called out told the undercover reporter that there was Black Mold in the home and that she needed Mold Remediation. They told her that she should not waste her money on testing that it was Black Mold for sure! Then, they provided her with bids for the work they told her she had to have because the mold was dangerous! One mold remediation contractor quoted $1200, but one quoted her $10,000.

Black mold testing

Laboratory analysis is required to determine mold type.

The moral of the story: get a professional mold inspection company to perform a thorough inspection and mold testing BEFORE you hire a remediation contractor. No one can tell you a mold-like substance is mold or mildew or Black

Mold without laboratory analysis. Do not trust a company that performs both mold inspections AND mold remediation. Get an independent, non-biased opinion from a licensed Mold Assessment Consultant (Texas and Florida) or Certified Mold Inspector first! Check out the Rossen Report video here: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/47292508#47292508